Living Our Vows

Living Our Vows is a canonically mandated three-year transitional resource program designed to support the personal development of new bishops and equip them for transformative leadership. Annual residential retreats are coupled with an active peer coaching relationship.

LOV Residency

Held each year early in the summer, the five-day residential program offers time with a faculty team, subject-matter experts (in such areas as leadership, ecclesiology, and Biblical studies), vocational and spiritual inventory instruments, peer-group consultation and worship. Each annual residency consists of bishops who have been in office for differing periods of time. The plenary portions of the conference include all bishops, while the collegial portions separate participants into groups based on consecration/class years.

Past Residency participants have gained the following from their conference experience:    

  • Deeper and closer relationships with my class and other colleagues
  • Renewal and refreshment
  • Greatly enhanced understanding of the nuances of Title IV
  • Deeper sense of my identity as a Bishop
  • Clearer sense of the ways leadership can be provided through the office and ministry of bishop
  • Connections with Canadian Church
  • Confidence in dealing with media
  • Better foundation and capacity to reflect on my ministry (and self) as bishop  

LOV Peer Coaching

Coaching is an intentional collegial relationship to support new bishops. It is based on the radical belief in the competence of new bishops and works through clarifying and designing ongoing accountability around their goals and their experiences.

The coaching portion of the Living Our Vows program places each new bishop in a relationship with an experienced bishop. Bishops trained in the art of coaching provide direct assistance to each new bishop on an assigned basis. The relationship includes an on-site visit by the coach and monthly conversations.

Peer Coaching Is…(provided by bishop coaches):

  • “a delightful opportunity to walk with God and colleagues. It opens wonderful avenues for new perspectives and relationships and invites bishops into deeper awareness and insight. The experience of walking together enriches our common ministry.”  
  • “difficult, energizing, and self-revealing.  Nevertheless it opens a relationship that may expand our wisdom.  We speak from our center to deepen our connection and sense of love and faithfulness.”  
  • “a challenge for both the candidate and the coach. The content encourages honesty, accountability, integrity and knowing it allows a deep relationship, trust and satisfaction. Occasionally, it requires focusing, balance and challenge.”
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