Leadership Institute
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Organizational Leadership
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Educational Leadership: The Bishop as Teacher
Spirituality & Personal Growth
Educational Leadership: The Bishop as Teacher
The College for Bishops Leadership Institute was established to provide educational resources for new bishops as well as trending informational resources for all bishops. Educational Leadership: The Bishop as Teacher focuses on specific resources related to teaching:
New items are added monthly. To comment or suggest new topics or resources, please use the feedback form at the bottom of this page.
Teaching Adult Learners
Adult Learning: New Technology, Old Lessons
Two basic tenets of adult education are that adults learn best when they are involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction, and that adults are most motivated to learn when the subject has immediate relevance and impact in their lives.* We took these two truths to heart in planning and executing new adult formation offerings.
The Best (and Worst) Ways to Respond to Student Anxiety
People have called it an "epidemic," a "tsunami." Blame has been laid at the feet of changes in parenting practices, of greater willingness to discuss and diagnose mental health symptoms, and of everyone’s darling scapegoat of the moment: the smartphones in their pockets. Regardless of the cause, faculty members are faced with the dilemma of how to respond to anxiety in ways that are empathetic yet respectful of the learning goals we have set for all of our students.
Mental Health Issues in Students
Many colleges are unprepared to deal with the rising level of anxiety disorders and clinical depression that faculty, staff and residential life staff are seeing among students. This 28-page collection of articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education examines the forces behind the growing wave of students with mental-health struggles, and what campuses are doing about it.
Are We Our Students' Keepers?
When you think of a typical college student, what do you envision? Some unfortunate features of the experience of current college students are all over the media: rising prices, high debt loads, low graduation rates, difficulty translating degrees into jobs. Developing a better understanding of the changing demographics of our students and their means of making ends meet sets the stage for understanding why a growing population of students don't have dependable access to their daily bread.
The Art of Thinking Well
We continue to discover more about the ways in which our individual biases distort our perception and logic; however, as David Brooks explores in this New York Times editorial, a lot of our thinking is actually for social bonding, not truth-seeking. Alan Jacobs’ new book How to Think examines the social component of our thinking processes, giving some hope that we can all learn how to think well.
Adrift in a Sea of Resources: the Quiet Crisis in Clergy Continuing Education
In enabling clergy to stay current and learn effectively, much is at stake for people across the spectrum of mainline Protestantism. Cash-strapped congregations easily grow leery of continuing education and travel expenses when they don’t experience the return on investment they expect. Unless education systems evolve to make learning experiences more productive, frustration will likely haunt clergy, even in an age of abundant information. The need for new approaches to clergy continuing education stems from a dramatic cultural shift on the American religious landscape.
Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners
Adult learners are fundamentally different from their younger counterparts in many ways. Unfortunately, most teachers have been left to their own devices to find ways to reach these students. Here are a number of ways to create a better classroom environment for the adult learner.
10 Tips for Delivering Awesome Professional Development
Facilitating adult learning is very different from teaching traditional students in a classroom setting. This brief article from Edutopia offers ten great suggestions for planning worthwhile continuing education programs for adults.
50 Ways to Strengthen Adult Education
The Lewis Center for Church Leadership was established by the Wesley Theological Seminary in 2003 with the stated purpose of advancing the understanding of Christian leadership and promoting effective and faithful practice of Christian leadership in the church and the world. The Lewis Center serves as a resource for clergy, lay leaders, congregations, and denominational leaders, offering teaching, research, publications and other resources such as this one from the 50 Ways Series. 50 Ways to Strengthen Adult Education lists practical tips for teaching adults: creating a culture that supports adult study; varying formats, schedules, and approaches; meeting people where they are; and promoting participation and fostering leadership.