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2008 Lambeth Conference

(July 16 - August 3, 2008 - University of Kent - Canterbury, England)

Quick References

News Items

Blogging Bishops

  • General Information
  • Link to Blogging Bishops' Site
    • The Rt Rev'd Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania, lead blogger
    • The Rt Rev'd Laura Ahrens, Bishop Suffragan of Connecticut
    • The Rt Rev'd Marc Andrus, Bishop of California
    • The Rt Rev'd Larry Benfield, Bishop of Arkansas
    • The Rt Rev'd Sergio Carranza, Assistant Bishop of Los Angeles (in Spanish)
    • The Rt Rev'd Neff Powell, Bishop of Southwestern Virginia
    • The Rt Rev'd Bavi Edna "Nedi" Rivera, Bishop Suffragan of Olympia
    • The Rt Rev'd Jean Zache Duracin, Bishop of Haiti

Lambeth Conference Briefing Book Information

History of Lambeth*
    · Indaba Groups*
    · 1998 Lambeth Resolutions*
    · Bulletin Insert Information

Support Staff
    · General Directory
    · Support Services for Bishops

Related Articles
    · Strong Ecumenical Presence Set for Lambeth Conference*
    · TOPIK Report*
    · 2002 Final Report of the Anglican Communion’s Conversations on Human Sexuality* 
    · From Indaba to Reflections Article*
    · MDG Background Information*
    · Presiding Bishop's Response to GAFCON Statement*
    · Archbishop of Canterbury's Response to GAFCON Statement*

Registration Information

    · University of Kent Map

Sample Narratives
    · Cover Letter
    · Messaging Strategy
    · Sample Messages: Deep Unity and Work Together

Recommended Commitments & Gifts
    · Recommended Commitments
    · Recommended Customs
    · Reflections
        o Shannon Mallory 
        o Bob Ladehoff

Market Place
    · Map and List of Exhibitors
    · Five Marks of Mission

Web Resources

Active Bishops of The Episcopal Church Invited, not Invited, and not attending the Lambeth Conference

TEC Map by Province

*Information not contained in original version of Lambeth Briefing Book

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